Effect of prophecy on healing in the new testament

In the New Testament, prophecy is mentioned as a means of healing and deliverance in several passages. Here are some examples:

  1. Acts 5:12-16: In this passage, the apostles are said to have performed many signs and wonders, including healing the sick and casting out demons, through the laying on of hands and the prayers of the apostles. The passage notes that "many people believed and were brought to the Lord" as a result of these healings.
  2. Acts 8:4-8: In this passage, Philip, one of the seven deacons, is said to have preached the gospel and performed miracles, including healing the sick and casting out demons, in Samaria. The passage notes that "many people believed and were baptized" as a result of these healings.
  3. Acts 13:8-12: In this passage, Paul is said to have performed a miracle of healing through the laying on of hands, healing a demon-possessed girl. The passage notes that "the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power."
  4. 1 Corinthians 12:9-10: In this passage, Paul lists various spiritual gifts, including the gift of healing, which is said to be given to some believers. He notes that "to another power to heal the sick" is given.
  5. James 5:13-18: In this passage, James writes about the importance of prayer and the gift of healing. He notes that "the prayer of faith will heal the sick" and that "the Lord will raise him up." He also mentions the example of Elijah, who prayed for healing and raised a dead child back to life.

In these passages, prophecy is often linked with healing and deliverance. Here are some ways in which prophecy is seen as contributing to healing:

  1. Intercession: Prophecy is often seen as a means of intercession, where the prophet prays on behalf of the sick person, asking God to heal them.
  2. Authority: Prophecy is often linked with the authority of God, and the prophet is seen as a vessel through whom God's power and authority are exercised.
  3. Faith: Prophecy is often linked with faith, and the prophet's words are seen as a means of building faith in the sick person and in the power of God to heal.
  4. Spiritual warfare: Prophecy is often seen as a means of spiritual warfare, where the prophet uses their words to bind and cast out demons, and to bring healing and deliverance to the sick person.

Overall, the New Testament presents prophecy as a powerful means of healing and deliverance, and as a way in which God's power and authority are exercised in the lives of believers.