Efcc new logo

You're referring to the new logo of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in Nigeria!

The EFCC, Nigeria's anti-graft agency, unveiled a new logo in 2020 to replace its previous logo. The new logo is designed to reflect the commission's mission to combat economic and financial crimes in the country.

Here's a brief description of the new logo:

Logo Design: The new EFCC logo features a stylized eagle's head with a bold, modern design. The eagle is a symbol of strength, courage, and vigilance, reflecting the commission's commitment to fighting corruption and protecting the country's economy.

Color Scheme: The logo features a bold, bright blue color, which represents trust, integrity, and professionalism. The blue color also symbolizes the commission's commitment to transparency and accountability.

Meaning: The eagle's head is designed to represent the commission's watchful eye, always on the lookout for corrupt activities and financial crimes. The logo is meant to inspire confidence and trust in the public, as well as serve as a deterrent to those who engage in corrupt practices.

Overall: The new EFCC logo is a modern, sleek design that reflects the commission's commitment to fighting corruption and promoting transparency in Nigeria.