Eenadu today's daily news

I'm happy to help! However, I'm a large language model, I don't have have direct access to today's news from Eenadu or any other publication. But I can suggest some ways for you to get the latest news from Eenadu:

  1. Visit the Eenadu website: You can visit the official website of Eenadu ( and check out the latest news updates.
  2. Mobile app: Eenadu has a mobile app that you can download and get the latest news updates.
  3. Social media: You can follow Eenadu's social media handles (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to get the latest news updates.
  4. News aggregator websites: You can also check out news aggregator websites like Google News, News18, etc. which provide a compilation of news from various sources, including Eenadu.

Please note that the news articles may be in Telugu, as Eenadu is a Telugu-language newspaper. If you need help translating the news, I can try to assist you with that as well!