Edward steven in new york

You're referring to Edward Snowden, the American whistleblower who revealed classified information about the National Security Agency's (NSA) global surveillance programs in 2013.

Edward Snowden, whose real name is Edward Joseph Snowden, was born on June 21, 1983, in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. He grew up in Maryland and graduated from the University of Maryland with a degree in computer science and mathematics.

Snowden worked as a contractor for the NSA and later for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) before leaking classified documents to journalists Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras. The documents revealed that the NSA was collecting vast amounts of data on Americans and foreigners, including phone records, emails, and online activities.

Snowden fled the United States and sought asylum in Hong Kong, where he was interviewed by journalists and revealed his identity as the source of the leaks. He then traveled to Russia, where he was granted asylum and has been living ever since.

Snowden's revelations sparked a global debate about government surveillance, privacy, and national security. He has been charged with espionage and theft of government property in the United States, but has not been extradited to face trial.

In 2014, Snowden published a memoir, "Permanent Record," which details his life and the events leading up to his decision to leak the classified documents. He has also become a prominent advocate for privacy and transparency, and has spoken publicly about the need for governments to be more accountable and transparent in their actions.

Despite his controversial actions, Snowden has been hailed as a hero by some for his willingness to challenge the government's secrecy and overreach. However, others have criticized him for putting national security at risk and for violating the law.