Educational news world

Here are some recent educational news from around the world:


  1. UNESCO's Global Education Monitoring Report: The report highlights the significant progress made in increasing access to education worldwide, but also notes that 258 million children and adolescents are still out of school.
  2. Global Skills Gap: A report by the World Economic Forum warns that the world is facing a significant skills gap, with 42% of jobs requiring skills that are not yet widely available.


  1. India's Education Budget: India's government has increased its education budget by 10% to Rs 93,848 crore (approximately $13.2 billion USD) for the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
  2. China's Online Education Boom: China's online education market is expected to reach $100 billion by 2025, driven by the growth of online learning platforms and the increasing demand for digital education.


  1. UK's Education Reforms: The UK government has announced plans to reform the country's education system, including introducing a new curriculum and increasing funding for schools.
  2. Germany's Vocational Training: Germany's government has launched a new initiative to promote vocational training and apprenticeships, aiming to address the country's skills shortage.


  1. US Education Budget: The US government has approved a budget for the 2022-2023 fiscal year, which includes a 12% increase in funding for education.
  2. Canada's Indigenous Education: Canada's government has launched a new initiative to improve education outcomes for Indigenous students, including increasing funding for Indigenous-led schools and programs.


  1. South Africa's Education Crisis: South Africa's education system is facing a crisis, with widespread protests and strikes by teachers and students over issues such as poor infrastructure and inadequate funding.
  2. Nigeria's Education Reforms: Nigeria's government has launched a new initiative to reform the country's education system, including introducing a new curriculum and increasing funding for schools.


  1. Australia's Education Funding: Australia's government has announced plans to increase funding for schools by 10% over the next four years.
  2. New Zealand's Education Reforms: New Zealand's government has launched a new initiative to reform the country's education system, including introducing a new curriculum and increasing funding for schools.

These are just a few examples of the many educational news stories from around the world.