Educational news around the world

Here are some recent educational news stories from around the world:


  1. India: The Indian government has launched a new education policy aimed at increasing access to quality education for all students, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds. (Source: The Hindu)
  2. China: China has introduced a new curriculum for primary and secondary schools, focusing on STEM education and character development. (Source: China Daily)
  3. Japan: Japan has launched a new initiative to promote English language education, with a focus on improving language skills among young people. (Source: The Japan Times)


  1. UK: The UK government has announced plans to increase funding for schools and universities, with a focus on improving teacher training and student mental health support. (Source: BBC News)
  2. Germany: Germany has introduced a new law aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion in schools, including measures to support students with disabilities and from migrant backgrounds. (Source: Deutsche Welle)
  3. France: France has launched a new program to promote literacy and numeracy skills among young people, with a focus on disadvantaged areas. (Source: Le Monde)


  1. USA: The US government has announced plans to increase funding for education, with a focus on improving teacher training and student outcomes in low-performing schools. (Source: The New York Times)
  2. Canada: Canada has launched a new initiative to promote Indigenous language and culture in schools, including the development of new curriculum resources. (Source: CBC News)
  3. Brazil: Brazil has introduced a new law aimed at promoting education for all, including measures to increase access to education for disadvantaged groups. (Source: Folha de S.Paulo)


  1. South Africa: South Africa has launched a new initiative to promote education for all, including measures to increase access to education for disadvantaged groups. (Source: The Guardian)
  2. Nigeria: Nigeria has introduced a new curriculum for primary and secondary schools, focusing on STEM education and entrepreneurship. (Source: The Punch)
  3. Kenya: Kenya has launched a new program to promote literacy and numeracy skills among young people, with a focus on disadvantaged areas. (Source: The Star)


  1. Australia: Australia has launched a new initiative to promote education for all, including measures to increase access to education for disadvantaged groups. (Source: The Australian)
  2. New Zealand: New Zealand has introduced a new curriculum for primary and secondary schools, focusing on literacy, numeracy, and social-emotional learning. (Source:

These are just a few examples of educational news stories from around the world. I hope you find them interesting and informative!