Education news websites

Here are some popular education news websites:

  1. EdSurge: A leading education technology news site that covers the latest trends, products, and innovations in education.
  2. Education Week: A comprehensive online news source that covers K-12 and higher education news, trends, and policy.
  3. The Hechinger Report: A non-profit news organization that focuses on education news, policy, and research.
  4. Inside Higher Ed: A leading online news source that covers higher education news, trends, and policy.
  5. The Chronicle of Higher Education: A well-respected online news source that covers higher education news, trends, and policy.
  6. EdCentral: A news website that covers education news, trends, and policy, with a focus on K-12 education.
  7. Teacher Magazine: A news website that covers education news, trends, and policy, with a focus on K-12 education and teacher issues.
  8. Education Dive: A news website that covers education news, trends, and policy, with a focus on K-12 and higher education.
  9. Campus Technology: A news website that covers education technology news, trends, and innovations.
  10. The 74: A non-profit news organization that covers education news, trends, and policy, with a focus on K-12 education.
  11. Education News: A news website that covers education news, trends, and policy, with a focus on K-12 and higher education.
  12. Teacher's Lounge: A news website that covers education news, trends, and policy, with a focus on K-12 education and teacher issues.
  13. EdTech Review: A news website that covers education technology news, trends, and innovations.
  14. The Learning Accelerator: A news website that covers education news, trends, and policy, with a focus on K-12 education and personalized learning.
  15. Getting Smart: A news website that covers education news, trends, and policy, with a focus on K-12 education and personalized learning.

These are just a few examples of the many education news websites available online. You can also search for news websites specific to your region or country to stay up-to-date on local education news and trends.