Education news punch

Here are some recent education news updates from around the world:

Global Education News

  1. UNESCO Report: Global Education Crisis: A new report by UNESCO warns that the world is facing a global education crisis, with 258 million children and adolescents out of school, and 750 million adults lacking basic literacy skills. (Source: UNESCO)
  2. AI in Education: A new study by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) finds that AI can improve student learning outcomes, but only if used effectively and responsibly. (Source: IEA)
  3. Global Teacher Shortage: A report by the World Bank estimates that the world will need an additional 69 million teachers by 2030 to meet the demand for education. (Source: World Bank)

US Education News

  1. Biden's Education Budget: The Biden administration has proposed a $22.7 billion budget for the Department of Education, which includes funding for teacher training, school infrastructure, and mental health services. (Source: Education Week)
  2. Vaccination Mandate for Teachers: The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) has announced that it will support a vaccination mandate for teachers, in an effort to protect students and staff from COVID-19. (Source: AFT)
  3. Online Learning: A new report by the National Center for Education Statistics finds that online learning has become a permanent part of American education, with 77% of public schools offering online courses. (Source: NCES)

UK Education News

  1. GCSE Results: The UK's Office for Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) has announced that GCSE results will be published in August, with students who sat exams in 2020-21 receiving their results. (Source: Ofqual)
  2. Teacher Pay: A new report by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) finds that teacher pay in the UK has fallen behind inflation, with teachers earning 10% less than they did in 2010. (Source: NFER)
  3. Free School Meals: The UK government has announced plans to expand free school meals to all primary school pupils, in an effort to tackle child poverty. (Source: GOV.UK)

Australian Education News

  1. National Curriculum Review: The Australian Government has launched a review of the national curriculum, which aims to ensure that it is relevant and effective in preparing students for the future. (Source: Australian Government)
  2. Teacher Shortage: A report by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) finds that the country is facing a severe teacher shortage, with 20% of schools reporting difficulties in recruiting teachers. (Source: AITSL)
  3. VET Reform: The Australian Government has announced plans to reform the vocational education and training (VET) sector, which aims to improve the quality and relevance of VET programs. (Source: Australian Government)

These are just a few of the latest education news updates from around the world. I hope you find them informative and interesting!