Education news in nigeria 2019

Here are some significant education news in Nigeria for 2019:

  1. Introduction of New Curriculum: The Federal Government introduced a new curriculum for primary and secondary schools in Nigeria, aimed at improving the quality of education and making it more relevant to the needs of the 21st century.
  2. Increase in Education Budget: The Federal Government increased its education budget from N541 billion in 2018 to N649 billion in 2019, representing a 20% increase.
  3. Establishment of New Universities: The Federal Government established three new universities in Nigeria, including the University of Medical Sciences in Ondo State, the University of Science and Technology in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, and the Federal University of Agriculture in Makurdi, Benue State.
  4. Introduction of e-Learning Platform: The Federal Government launched an e-learning platform, called the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) e-learning platform, aimed at increasing access to education and improving the quality of education in Nigeria.
  5. Teacher Training: The Federal Government launched a teacher training program, aimed at improving the quality of teaching and learning in Nigerian schools.
  6. Free Education for All: The Lagos State Government introduced free education for all primary and secondary school students in the state, aimed at increasing access to education and reducing poverty.
  7. Establishment of Education Trust Fund: The Federal Government established an Education Trust Fund, aimed at providing financial support to schools and improving the quality of education in Nigeria.
  8. Introduction of Vocational Education: The Federal Government introduced vocational education programs in Nigerian schools, aimed at equipping students with skills that are relevant to the job market.
  9. Improvement in Education Infrastructure: The Federal Government invested in the construction of new schools and the renovation of existing ones, aimed at improving the education infrastructure in Nigeria.
  10. Increase in Education Funding: The Federal Government increased its funding for education, with a focus on improving the quality of education and increasing access to education for all Nigerians.
  11. Introduction of Digital Literacy: The Federal Government introduced digital literacy programs in Nigerian schools, aimed at equipping students with the skills they need to succeed in the digital age.
  12. Establishment of Education Research Institute: The Federal Government established an Education Research Institute, aimed at conducting research on education and improving the quality of education in Nigeria.
  13. Introduction of Entrepreneurship Education: The Federal Government introduced entrepreneurship education programs in Nigerian schools, aimed at equipping students with the skills they need to start their own businesses.
  14. Improvement in Examination System: The Federal Government introduced a new examination system, aimed at improving the quality of education and reducing examination malpractice in Nigeria.
  15. Establishment of Education Ministry: The Federal Government established a new ministry of education, aimed at improving the coordination and management of education in Nigeria.

These are just a few of the significant education news in Nigeria for 2019. The year was marked by several initiatives aimed at improving the quality of education and increasing access to education for all Nigerians.