Education news articles

Here are some recent education news articles from various sources:

K-12 Education

  1. "Biden Administration Announces Plan to Improve School Safety" (Education Week, March 2023) - The Biden administration has unveiled a plan to improve school safety, including increasing funding for school resource officers and mental health services.
  2. "California to Require Ethnic Studies Course for High School Graduation" (The New York Times, March 2023) - California has become the first state to require an ethnic studies course for high school graduation, aiming to promote diversity and inclusion.
  3. "Florida Passes Law Restricting Discussion of Race and Gender in Class" (The Washington Post, March 2023) - Florida has passed a law that restricts teachers from discussing certain topics related to race and gender in class, sparking controversy and criticism.

Higher Education

  1. "College Enrollment Declines for First Time in Decades" (The Chronicle of Higher Education, March 2023) - For the first time in decades, college enrollment has declined, with many institutions struggling to attract and retain students.
  2. "Online Learning Platforms Face Scrutiny Over Quality and Affordability" (Inside Higher Ed, March 2023) - Online learning platforms are facing scrutiny over concerns about the quality and affordability of their courses, with some critics arguing that they prioritize profit over student success.
  3. "Universities Face Pressure to Address Climate Change" (The Guardian, March 2023) - Universities are facing pressure to address climate change, with many institutions committing to become carbon neutral and incorporating sustainability into their curricula.

Education Policy

  1. "Biden Administration Proposes Changes to Student Loan Forgiveness Program" (Forbes, March 2023) - The Biden administration has proposed changes to the student loan forgiveness program, including expanding eligibility and increasing the amount of debt forgiven.
  2. "Education Department Proposes Rule to Improve Mental Health Services in Schools" (Education Week, March 2023) - The Education Department has proposed a rule to improve mental health services in schools, including increasing funding and training for school counselors.
  3. "States Consider Changes to Teacher Evaluation Systems" (EdSource, March 2023) - States are considering changes to teacher evaluation systems, with some aiming to reduce the emphasis on standardized testing and focus more on student growth and teacher feedback.

Technology in Education

  1. "AI-Powered Tutoring Platforms Gain Popularity in Education" (EdSurge, March 2023) - AI-powered tutoring platforms are gaining popularity in education, with many institutions using them to supplement instruction and support student learning.
  2. "Virtual and Augmented Reality Used to Enhance Learning Experiences" (The Verge, March 2023) - Virtual and augmented reality are being used to enhance learning experiences, with many educators incorporating these technologies into their classrooms to engage students and promote deeper learning.
  3. "EdTech Companies Face Scrutiny Over Data Collection and Privacy" (TechCrunch, March 2023) - EdTech companies are facing scrutiny over concerns about data collection and privacy, with some critics arguing that they are collecting too much data on students and using it for profit.

These are just a few examples of recent education news articles. I hope you find them helpful!