Education manager _ director in new brunswick canada

Here are some potential job titles and employers for an Education Manager or Director in New Brunswick, Canada:

Education Manager:

  1. New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development: As an Education Manager, you would oversee the implementation of educational programs and policies, manage budgets, and coordinate with schools and stakeholders.
  2. New Brunswick School Districts: Many school districts in New Brunswick, such as the Anglophone West School District or the Francophone Sud School District, employ Education Managers to manage educational programs, staff, and resources.
  3. Post-Secondary Institutions: Colleges and universities in New Brunswick, such as the University of New Brunswick or St. Thomas University, may employ Education Managers to oversee academic programs, student services, and faculty development.

Education Director:

  1. New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development: As an Education Director, you would provide strategic leadership and direction to the department, overseeing educational programs, policies, and initiatives.
  2. New Brunswick School Districts: Education Directors in school districts would be responsible for leading the district's educational programs, managing budgets, and coordinating with schools and stakeholders.
  3. Private Education Companies: Private education companies, such as language schools or tutoring centers, may employ Education Directors to oversee educational programs, staff, and operations.

Some specific job postings in New Brunswick that may be relevant to an Education Manager or Director include:

These are just a few examples, and there may be many more job opportunities available in New Brunswick. I recommend searching online job boards, such as Indeed or LinkedIn, and networking with professionals in the education sector to learn more about available positions.