Edsg to partner albino foundation on provision of sunscreen lotions #

It seems like you're announcing a partnership between Edsg and Albino Foundation to provide sunscreen lotions. Here's a rewritten version with a more formal tone:

"Edsg is pleased to announce its partnership with the Albino Foundation to provide high-quality sunscreen lotions to individuals in need. This collaboration aims to promote skin health and protection, particularly among individuals with albinism who are more susceptible to skin damage from the sun. Through this partnership, Edsg and the Albino Foundation will work together to distribute sunscreen lotions to communities and organizations that support individuals with albinism, helping to ensure that they have access to essential skin care products. This initiative is part of Edsg's commitment to promoting inclusivity and diversity, and we are excited to work with the Albino Foundation to make a positive impact in the lives of individuals with albinism."