Edon news witch coute in edo

You're looking for news about what's trending in Edo State, Nigeria. Here are some popular news sources and topics that are currently making waves in Edo:

News Sources:

  1. The Nation Newspaper: A popular Nigerian newspaper that covers national and state news, including Edo State.
  2. Vanguard Newspaper: Another prominent Nigerian newspaper that provides in-depth coverage of Edo State news.
  3. Edo State Government Website: The official website of the Edo State Government, which provides updates on government activities, projects, and policies.
  4. Edo State Broadcasting Service (ESBS): The state-owned radio and television station that broadcasts news, current affairs, and entertainment programs.

Trending Topics:

  1. Obaseki's Re-Election: The recent re-election of Governor Godwin Obaseki has been a major topic of discussion in Edo State.
  2. Economic Development: Efforts to revitalize the state's economy, including initiatives to boost agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism, are being closely followed.
  3. Infrastructure Development: The construction of new roads, bridges, and other infrastructure projects is a major focus area for the state government.
  4. Security: Efforts to improve security in the state, including the deployment of security personnel and the establishment of new police formations, are being closely monitored.
  5. Education: The state government's initiatives to improve education, including the construction of new schools and the introduction of new curricula, are being followed closely.

Online News Platforms:

  1. Lagos Post: A popular online news platform that covers news from Edo State and other parts of Nigeria.
  2. Naija News: A Nigerian online news platform that provides updates on Edo State news and other national issues.
  3. Edo State Online: A website that provides news, information, and resources on Edo State.

Please note that these are just a few examples of news sources and topics that are currently trending in Edo State. There may be other sources and topics that are also relevant and important.