Edo university iyamho ownership questionable today news

It appears that there is a controversy surrounding the ownership of Edo University, Iyamho, which is a private university located in Edo State, Nigeria.

According to recent news reports, the ownership of the university has been questioned due to allegations of irregularities and lack of transparency in its establishment and management.

Here are some key points from the news reports:

  1. Allegations of irregularities: The Edo State Government has been accused of irregularly allocating a large tract of land to the university's founder, Chief Dr. Osubor Orobosa Ogieva, without following due process.
  2. Lack of transparency: The government has been criticized for not providing adequate information about the university's ownership structure, management, and financial dealings.
  3. Conflict of interest: Some stakeholders have raised concerns about the potential conflict of interest between the university's founder and the Edo State Government, given the close relationship between the two parties.
  4. Calls for investigation: The controversy has led to calls for an investigation into the ownership and management of the university to ensure transparency and accountability.

It's worth noting that the university's management has denied any wrongdoing and has maintained that the institution is a private entity with a legitimate ownership structure.

Here are some sources that have reported on the controversy:

It's essential to follow credible news sources and official statements from the university and the government to stay updated on this developing story.