Edo state university news

Here are some recent news updates from Edo State University, Uzairue:

Academic News

  1. New Academic Calendar Released: The university has released a new academic calendar for the 2022/2023 academic session. The calendar outlines the dates for lectures, examinations, and other academic activities.
  2. Research Grant Awarded: A team of researchers from the university has been awarded a research grant by the National Research Foundation (NRF) to investigate the effects of climate change on agricultural productivity in Edo State.
  3. New Degree Programmes Launched: The university has launched new degree programmes in fields such as Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Environmental Science.

Campus News

  1. New Hostel Blocks Inaugurated: The university has inaugurated new hostel blocks to accommodate more students. The hostel blocks are equipped with modern facilities such as Wi-Fi, solar power, and water supply.
  2. Sports Festival Held: The university has held its annual sports festival, which featured competitions in sports such as football, basketball, and volleyball.
  3. Cultural Festival Celebrated: The university has celebrated its cultural festival, which showcased the rich cultural heritage of Edo State.

Community News

  1. Community Development Projects Launched: The university has launched community development projects in partnership with local communities. The projects aim to improve healthcare, education, and infrastructure in the communities.
  2. Alumni Association Established: The university has established an alumni association to connect with its graduates and promote the interests of the university.
  3. Partnership with Local Industries: The university has partnered with local industries to provide internship opportunities for its students and promote entrepreneurship in the state.

Other News

  1. University Ranks High in National Ranking: The university has been ranked among the top universities in Nigeria by a national ranking agency.
  2. International Collaboration: The university has signed a memorandum of understanding with a foreign university to promote academic collaboration and exchange programmes.
  3. Staff Development Programme Launched: The university has launched a staff development programme to enhance the skills and knowledge of its staff.

These are just a few of the recent news updates from Edo State University, Uzairue. If you're looking for more information, you can visit the university's website or social media pages.