Edo state impeach house assemblys speaker #

It appears you're referring to a recent development in Nigeria. Here's a summary:

The Edo State House of Assembly has impeached its Speaker, Frank Okiye, on Tuesday, November 24, 2020. The impeachment was carried out by 17 out of the 24 members of the Assembly, who voted in favor of the motion.

The reasons for the impeachment are not entirely clear, but it's reported that the move was sparked by a disagreement between the Speaker and some members of the Assembly over the handling of the state's finances and the distribution of constituency projects.

The Deputy Speaker, Marcus Onobun, has been sworn in as the new Speaker of the Edo State House of Assembly.

It's worth noting that the impeachment process is a constitutional provision in Nigeria, which allows for the removal of a Speaker or any other member of the Assembly through a two-thirds majority vote.

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