Edo belong to ijaw vanguard news

I think there may be some confusion here.

Edo is a state in Nigeria, and it does not belong to the Ijaw people. Edo is a distinct ethnic group with its own language, culture, and traditions. While there may be some Ijaw people living in Edo state, the two groups are separate and distinct.

The Ijaw people are an ethnic group primarily found in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria, particularly in the states of Bayelsa, Delta, Edo, and Rivers. They have their own language, culture, and traditions, and are known for their rich cultural heritage and contributions to Nigeria's history and development.

Vanguard News is a Nigerian newspaper that reports on news and events from across the country, including the Niger Delta region where the Ijaw people are found. However, I'm not aware of any specific article or report from Vanguard News that suggests Edo belongs to the Ijaw people. If you have any specific information or context about the article you're referring to, I'd be happy to help clarify things for you.