Edac i7core new corrected error s

You're looking for the EDAC (Error Detection and Correction) information for an Intel Core i7 processor, specifically the corrected error statistics.

EDAC is a mechanism that detects and corrects errors in the memory and other components of a computer system. The corrected error statistics provide information on the number and type of errors that have been detected and corrected by the EDAC mechanism.

Here are the EDAC corrected error statistics for an Intel Core i7 processor:

Memory Errors:

Other Errors:

Error Types:

Error Rates:

Here is an example of what the EDAC corrected error statistics might look like for an Intel Core i7 processor:

Memory Errors:

Other Errors:

Error Types:

Error Rates:

Please note that these are just example statistics and the actual numbers may vary depending on the specific processor and system configuration.