Ecowas membership morocco knows fate december #

It seems like you're referring to the recent development regarding Morocco's membership in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

To clarify, Morocco's bid to join ECOWAS was rejected by the organization's member states in December 2022. The decision was made during the 62nd Ordinary Session of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government, which took place in Accra, Ghana.

The rejection was largely due to concerns from some member states, particularly Nigeria, that Morocco's membership could compromise the organization's principles and goals. Nigeria, in particular, argued that Morocco's membership could lead to the erosion of ECOWAS's sovereignty and the dominance of non-African powers in the region.

Morocco had been seeking membership in ECOWAS since 2005, citing its historical and cultural ties with the region, as well as its desire to strengthen economic cooperation and trade with ECOWAS member states. However, the organization's member states have consistently rejected Morocco's bid, citing concerns about the country's political and economic systems, as well as its relations with Western Sahara, a disputed territory claimed by Morocco.

It's worth noting that Morocco has also been a member of the African Union (AU) since 2017, and has been actively participating in various AU initiatives and programs. Despite the rejection of its ECOWAS membership bid, Morocco remains committed to strengthening its relations with African countries and promoting economic cooperation and development on the continent.