Economist africas new number one

You're referring to the recent report by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) that ranked Ghana as Africa's new number one economy!

According to the EIU's 2022 Africa Risk-Reward Index, Ghana has surpassed South Africa to take the top spot, driven by its strong economic growth, improved business environment, and attractive investment opportunities.

Here are some key factors that contributed to Ghana's rise to the top:

  1. Economic growth: Ghana's economy has been growing steadily, with a projected GDP growth rate of 7.5% in 2022, driven by the services sector, particularly finance, real estate, and telecommunications.
  2. Investment climate: Ghana has improved its business environment, with reforms aimed at increasing transparency, reducing bureaucracy, and enhancing the ease of doing business. This has attracted more foreign investment and encouraged local entrepreneurship.
  3. Natural resources: Ghana is rich in natural resources, including gold, oil, and cocoa, which have contributed to its economic growth and attracted foreign investment.
  4. Infrastructure development: The government has invested in infrastructure development, including roads, ports, and energy generation, which has improved connectivity and facilitated trade.
  5. Stability and governance: Ghana has a relatively stable political environment and a strong democratic tradition, which has attracted investors and encouraged economic growth.

While South Africa remains a significant economic player in Africa, Ghana's rise to the top spot reflects its growing potential and attractiveness to investors.