Economic outlook for 2020 the human capital perspective

The economic outlook for 2020 from a human capital perspective is complex and influenced by various factors. Here are some key trends and insights:

Global Economic Growth:

Human Capital Trends:

  1. Skills Gap: The demand for skilled workers will continue to outstrip supply, exacerbating the skills gap. This will be particularly pronounced in industries like technology, healthcare, and finance.
  2. Remote Work: The rise of remote work will continue, driven by technological advancements and changing workforce preferences. This will require organizations to adapt their human capital strategies to accommodate remote workers.
  3. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Organizations will need to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion to attract and retain top talent. This will involve implementing policies and practices that promote a culture of inclusivity and address systemic biases.
  4. Well-being and Mental Health: The importance of employee well-being and mental health will continue to grow, with organizations recognizing the need to prioritize employee well-being to drive business outcomes.
  5. Lifelong Learning: The pace of technological change will require workers to continuously upskill and reskill. Organizations will need to invest in lifelong learning programs to support employee development and retention.

Regional Variations:

  1. Asia-Pacific: The region will continue to drive global economic growth, with countries like China, India, and Indonesia experiencing rapid economic expansion.
  2. Europe: The European economy will face challenges, including Brexit uncertainty and slowing growth in key markets like Germany and Italy.
  3. North America: The United States will continue to experience strong economic growth, driven by low unemployment and consumer spending.
  4. Latin America: The region will face economic challenges, including political instability and debt crises in countries like Argentina and Brazil.

Industry-Specific Trends:

  1. Technology: The tech industry will continue to drive innovation and growth, with emerging areas like artificial intelligence, blockchain, and cybersecurity experiencing rapid expansion.
  2. Healthcare: The healthcare industry will face challenges related to aging populations, rising healthcare costs, and the need for more effective disease prevention and treatment strategies.
  3. Financial Services: The financial services industry will need to adapt to changing regulatory environments, technological disruption, and shifting consumer preferences.
  4. Manufacturing: The manufacturing industry will face challenges related to automation, trade policies, and global supply chain disruptions.


The human capital perspective on the economic outlook for 2020 highlights the need for organizations to prioritize skills development, diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as employee well-being and mental health. Regional and industry-specific trends will also play a significant role in shaping the economic landscape. By understanding these trends, organizations can develop effective human capital strategies to drive business success and stay ahead of the curve.