Economic freedom fighters latest news

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) is a political party in South Africa known for its radical left-wing ideology and anti-capitalist stance. Here are some of the latest news and updates about the EFF:

Recent News:

  1. EFF's Julius Malema calls for nationalization of mines: EFF leader Julius Malema has called for the nationalization of South Africa's mines, saying that the country's mineral wealth belongs to the people and not to private companies. (Source: News24)
  2. EFF's Dali Mpofu to challenge ANC's Ramaphosa in 2024 elections: EFF's Dali Mpofu has announced that he will challenge ANC's Cyril Ramaphosa in the 2024 presidential elections. (Source: TimesLive)
  3. EFF's Mbuyiseni Ndlozi calls for boycott of South African Airways: EFF's Mbuyiseni Ndlozi has called for a boycott of South African Airways (SAA) until the airline is transformed into a state-owned entity. (Source: IOL)
  4. EFF's Floyd Shivambu accused of corruption: EFF's Floyd Shivambu has been accused of corruption by the DA, who claim that he used his position to benefit himself and his family. (Source: News24)
  5. EFF's Julius Malema calls for land expropriation without compensation: EFF's Julius Malema has reiterated his call for land expropriation without compensation, saying that the country's land belongs to the people and not to private individuals. (Source: TimesLive)

Upcoming Events:

  1. EFF's 2023 National Congress: The EFF is set to hold its 2023 National Congress in June, where the party will elect new leaders and discuss its policies and strategies. (Source: EFF's official website)
  2. EFF's Anti-Privatization March: The EFF is planning to hold an anti-privatization march in Johannesburg in July, where they will protest against the privatization of public services and infrastructure. (Source: EFF's official website)

Recent Statements:

  1. EFF's Julius Malema on the economy: "The economy is not working for the majority of South Africans. We need to transform it to benefit the people, not just the elite." (Source: News24)
  2. EFF's Mbuyiseni Ndlozi on corruption: "Corruption is a cancer that is eating away at the fabric of our society. We need to root it out and hold those responsible accountable." (Source: IOL)

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