Eclipse for php starting new project

Congratulations on starting a new PHP project! Eclipse is a popular Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for PHP development. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you set up Eclipse for your new PHP project:


  1. Download and install Eclipse from the official website:
  2. Install the PHP Development Tools (PDT) plugin for Eclipse. You can do this by following these steps:
    • Launch Eclipse and go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace...
    • Search for "PHP Development Tools" and click on the result.
    • Click the "Install" button and follow the installation wizard.
  3. Install the Xdebug extension for PHP. This is a debugging tool that allows you to debug your PHP code. You can download it from the official website:

Setting up Eclipse for your new PHP project:

  1. Launch Eclipse and create a new PHP project:
    • Go to File > New > PHP Project...
    • Choose "PHP Project" as the project type and click Next.
    • Enter a project name, choose a project location, and select the PHP version you want to use (e.g., PHP 7.4).
    • Click Finish to create the project.
  2. Create a new PHP file:
    • Go to File > New > PHP File...
    • Enter a file name (e.g., "index.php") and click Finish.
    • This will create a new PHP file in your project directory.
  3. Configure your PHP project settings:
    • Go to Project > Properties...
    • In the "PHP Project Properties" dialog, select the "PHP Executable" tab.
    • Enter the path to your PHP executable (e.g., "C:\xampp\php\php.exe" on Windows or "/usr/bin/php" on macOS/Linux).
    • Click Apply and then OK.
  4. Set up your PHP debugging settings:
    • Go to Run > Debug Configurations...
    • Create a new debug configuration by clicking the "New" button.
    • Select "PHP Script" as the debug configuration type and click Next.
    • Enter the path to your PHP file (e.g., "index.php") and click Finish.
    • In the "Debug Configurations" dialog, select the "Xdebug" debugger and click Apply and then OK.

Tips and Tricks:

That's it! You're now ready to start developing your PHP project using Eclipse.