Ecg ministry south africa 31st december 2018 news

Here are some news articles related to the ECG Ministry in South Africa on December 31st, 2018:

  1. "ECG Ministry: A New Era for South Africa's Energy Sector" - This article from the South African Government News Agency highlights the establishment of the Energy Crisis Governance (ECG) Ministry, which was announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa on December 28, 2018. The ministry aims to address the country's energy crisis and ensure a stable and reliable energy supply.

Source: South African Government News Agency, December 31, 2018

  1. "Ramaphosa's ECG Ministry: A Step in the Right Direction" - This opinion piece from the Business Day newspaper argues that the establishment of the ECG Ministry is a positive step towards addressing South Africa's energy challenges. The author notes that the ministry will help to coordinate the country's energy sector and ensure that energy policy is implemented effectively.

Source: Business Day, December 31, 2018

  1. "ECG Ministry to Focus on Energy Security and Job Creation" - This article from the Mail & Guardian newspaper reports that the ECG Ministry will prioritize energy security and job creation in its efforts to address the country's energy crisis. The ministry will also work to promote the use of renewable energy sources and reduce the country's reliance on coal.

Source: Mail & Guardian, December 31, 2018

  1. "Ramaphosa's ECG Ministry: A Chance to Revive South Africa's Economy" - This article from the Financial Mail newspaper argues that the establishment of the ECG Ministry presents an opportunity for South Africa to revive its economy. The author notes that the ministry will help to address the country's energy challenges and create a more conducive business environment.

Source: Financial Mail, December 31, 2018

  1. "ECG Ministry to Address Energy Insecurity and Promote Economic Growth" - This article from the South African Press Association reports that the ECG Ministry will focus on addressing energy insecurity and promoting economic growth in South Africa. The ministry will work to ensure a stable and reliable energy supply, which is critical for economic development.

Source: South African Press Association, December 31, 2018

These articles provide an overview of the establishment of the ECG Ministry in South Africa on December 31, 2018, and highlight the ministry's key objectives and priorities.