Ecfm news

ECFM stands for European College of Fisheries Management, which is a professional organization that aims to promote sustainable fisheries management in Europe. Here are some recent news and updates from ECFM:

Recent News:

  1. New ECFM President: Dr. Maria Cristina Paoletti has been elected as the new President of ECFM, succeeding Dr. Maria Cristina Paoletti. Dr. Paoletti is a renowned fisheries expert with extensive experience in fisheries management and research.
  2. Sustainable Fisheries Management: ECFM has launched a new initiative to promote sustainable fisheries management in Europe. The initiative aims to provide guidance and support to fisheries managers, scientists, and stakeholders to ensure the long-term sustainability of European fisheries.
  3. Fisheries Research: ECFM has published a new research paper on the impact of climate change on European fisheries. The study highlights the need for urgent action to address the effects of climate change on fish populations and ecosystems.
  4. Fisheries Policy: ECFM has welcomed the European Union's new fisheries policy, which aims to promote sustainable fisheries management and reduce the impact of fishing on the environment.

Upcoming Events:

  1. ECFM Annual Conference: The ECFM Annual Conference will take place in October 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. The conference will feature keynote speakers, workshops, and presentations on the latest developments in fisheries management and research.
  2. Fisheries Management Workshop: ECFM will host a fisheries management workshop in June 2023 in Brussels, Belgium. The workshop will bring together fisheries managers, scientists, and stakeholders to discuss best practices in fisheries management and share experiences.

Recent Publications:

  1. ECFM Journal: The ECFM Journal is a peer-reviewed publication that features articles on fisheries management, research, and policy. The latest issue includes articles on sustainable fisheries management, fisheries research, and fisheries policy.
  2. Fisheries Research Papers: ECFM has published several research papers on fisheries management and research, including studies on the impact of climate change on fisheries, fisheries management effectiveness, and fisheries policy.

I hope this information is helpful!