Ecdis training courses in new zealand

EC-DIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System) training courses are essential for mariners, particularly those working on commercial vessels, to ensure they are proficient in using electronic navigation aids. Here are some EC-DIS training course providers in New Zealand:

  1. Maritime New Zealand: Maritime New Zealand offers EC-DIS training courses for commercial vessel operators and crew members. The courses are designed to meet the requirements of the Maritime Rules Part 34, which regulates the use of electronic navigation aids in New Zealand.
  2. New Zealand Maritime School: The New Zealand Maritime School, located in Auckland, offers EC-DIS training courses as part of its maritime training programs. The courses cover the principles of electronic navigation, chart display, and information systems.
  3. Auckland University of Technology (AUT): AUT's School of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences offers EC-DIS training courses as part of its maritime engineering programs. The courses focus on the design, implementation, and operation of electronic navigation systems.
  4. Wellington Institute of Technology (WelTec): WelTec, located in Wellington, offers EC-DIS training courses as part of its maritime training programs. The courses cover the principles of electronic navigation, chart display, and information systems.
  5. Maritime Training Centre (MTC): MTC, located in Auckland, offers EC-DIS training courses for commercial vessel operators and crew members. The courses are designed to meet the requirements of the Maritime Rules Part 34.
  6. Pacific Maritime Training: Pacific Maritime Training, located in Auckland, offers EC-DIS training courses as part of its maritime training programs. The courses cover the principles of electronic navigation, chart display, and information systems.
  7. New Zealand Maritime Training Institute (NZMTI): NZMTI, located in Auckland, offers EC-DIS training courses for commercial vessel operators and crew members. The courses are designed to meet the requirements of the Maritime Rules Part 34.

These are just a few examples of EC-DIS training course providers in New Zealand. It's essential to research each provider to ensure they meet your specific training needs and requirements.