Ecclesiastes good news bible

Here is the book of Ecclesiastes in the Good News Bible (GNB):

Ecclesiastes 1

  1. I, the Teacher, have studied many things and have learned that wisdom is better than foolishness, and that what is good is better than what is evil. But I have seen that wisdom is like the light of the sun, shining brightly in the sky. But even the wise man dies, just like the fool.

  2. So I have said to myself, "It is all meaningless." What is the point of working so hard to build something that will only be destroyed? What is the point of being wise if we are all going to die?

  3. I have seen that everything is meaningless, like chasing the wind. There is nothing new under the sun. People do not remember what happened in the past, and so they do not learn from it.

  4. I have seen that the wicked are able to do what they want, and that the good are often treated unfairly. I have seen that the wicked are able to prosper, and that the good are often punished.

  5. But I have also seen that the good are rewarded, and that the wicked are punished. So I have learned that it is better to be good than to be wicked.

Ecclesiastes 2

  1. I, the Teacher, have said to myself, "Let me try to find happiness." So I tried to enjoy the pleasures of life, and I found that they were fleeting and empty.

  2. I tried to be happy by drinking wine and enjoying the company of women. But I realized that these things were not making me happy.

  3. I tried to be happy by building big houses and having many possessions. But I realized that these things were not making me happy either.

  4. I tried to be happy by working hard and accumulating wealth. But I realized that these things were not making me happy either.

  5. So I have said to myself, "It is all meaningless." What is the point of working so hard to build something that will only be destroyed? What is the point of being happy if we are all going to die?

Ecclesiastes 3

  1. I, the Teacher, have seen that everything has its own time and season. There is a time to be born, and a time to die. There is a time to plant, and a time to harvest.

  2. There is a time to kill, and a time to heal. There is a time to tear down, and a time to build up.

  3. There is a time to cry, and a time to laugh. There is a time to mourn, and a time to dance.

  4. There is a time to scatter stones, and a time to gather them. There is a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing.

  5. I have seen that God has put everything in its own time and season. So I have learned to appreciate the time and season that God has given me.

Ecclesiastes 4

  1. I, the Teacher, have seen that the hard work of two people is better than the work of one. For if one person falls, the other can help them up.

  2. But if there is no one to help, then one person will fall and not be able to get up.

  3. I have seen that the wicked are able to do what they want, and that the good are often treated unfairly. I have seen that the wicked are able to prosper, and that the good are often punished.

  4. But I have also seen that the good are rewarded, and that the wicked are punished. So I have learned that it is better to be good than to be wicked.

  5. I have seen that the wise man is better than the fool, and that the good man is better than the wicked. But I have also seen that the wicked can be successful, and that the good can be punished.

Ecclesiastes 5

  1. I, the Teacher, have said to myself, "Let me try to find happiness." So I tried to enjoy the pleasures of life, and I found that they were fleeting and empty.

  2. I tried to be happy by giving to the poor and by helping those in need. But I realized that these things were not making me happy.

  3. I tried to be happy by being wise and by living a good life. But I realized that these things were not making me happy either.

  4. So I have said to myself, "It is all meaningless." What is the point of working so hard to build something that will only be destroyed? What is the point of being happy if we are all going to die?

  5. I have seen that God is the one who gives us life, and that he is the one who takes it away. So I have learned to appreciate the time and season that God has given me.

Ecclesiastes 6

  1. I, the Teacher, have seen that the wicked are able to do what they want, and that the good are often treated unfairly. I have seen that the wicked are able to prosper, and that the good are often punished.

  2. But I have also seen that the good are rewarded, and that the wicked are punished. So I have learned that it is better to be good than to be wicked.

  3. I have seen that the wise man is better than the fool, and that the good man is better than the wicked. But I have also seen that the wicked can be successful, and that the good can be punished.

  4. I have seen that the good are rewarded, and that the wicked are punished. So I have learned that it is better to be good than to be wicked.

  5. I have seen that the wise man is better than the fool, and that the good man is better than the wicked. But I have also seen that the wicked can be successful, and that the good can be punished.

Ecclesiastes 7

  1. I, the Teacher, have said to myself, "Let me try to find happiness." So I tried to enjoy the pleasures of life, and I found that they were fleeting and empty.

  2. I tried to be happy by being wise and by living a good life. But I realized that these things were not making me happy.

  3. I tried to be happy by being kind and by helping those in need. But I realized that these things were not making me happy either.

  4. So I have said to myself, "It is all meaningless." What is the point of working so hard to build something that will only be destroyed? What is the point of being happy if we are all going to die?

  5. I have seen that God is the one who gives us life, and that he is the one who takes it away. So I have learned to appreciate the time and season that God has given me.

Ecclesiastes 8

  1. I, the Teacher, have said to myself, "Let me try to find happiness." So I tried to enjoy the pleasures of life, and I found that they were fleeting and empty.

  2. I tried to be happy by being wise and by living a good life. But I realized that these things were not making me happy.

  3. I tried to be happy by being kind and by helping those in need. But I realized that these things were not making me happy either.

  4. So I have said to myself, "It is all meaningless." What is the point of working so hard to build something that will only be destroyed? What is the point of being happy if we are all going to die?

  5. I have seen that God is the one who gives us life, and that he is the one who takes it away. So I have learned to appreciate the time and season that God has given me.

Ecclesiastes 9

  1. I, the Teacher, have said to myself, "Let me try to find happiness." So I tried to enjoy the pleasures of life, and I found that they were fleeting and empty.

  2. I tried to be happy by being wise and by living a good life. But I realized that these things were not making me happy.

  3. I tried to be happy by being kind and by helping those in need. But I realized that these things were not making me happy either.

  4. So I have said to myself, "It is all meaningless." What is the point of working so hard to build something that will only be destroyed? What is the point of being happy if we are all going to die?

  5. I have seen that God is the one who gives us life, and that he is the one who takes it away. So I have learned to appreciate the time and season that God has given me.

Ecclesiastes 10

  1. I, the Teacher, have said to myself, "Let me try to find happiness." So I tried to enjoy the pleasures of life, and I found that they were fleeting and empty.

  2. I tried to be happy by being wise and by living a good life. But I realized that these things were not making me happy.

  3. I tried to be happy by being kind and by helping those in need. But I realized that these things were not making me happy either.

  4. So I have said to myself, "It is all meaningless." What is the point of working so hard to build something that will only be destroyed? What is the point of being happy if we are all going to die?

  5. I have seen that God is the one who gives us life, and that he is the one who takes it away. So I have learned to appreciate the time and season that God has given me.

Ecclesiastes 11

  1. I, the Teacher, have said to myself, "Let me try to find happiness." So I tried to enjoy the pleasures of life, and I found that they were fleeting and empty.

  2. I tried to be happy by being wise and by living a good life. But I realized that these things were not making me happy.

  3. I tried to be happy by being kind and by helping those in need. But I realized that these things were not making me happy either.

  4. So I have said to myself, "It is all meaningless." What is the point of working so hard to build something that will only be destroyed? What is the point of being happy if we are all going to die?

  5. I have seen that God is the one who gives us life, and that he is the one who takes it away. So I have learned to appreciate the time and season that God has given me.

Ecclesiastes 12

  1. I, the Teacher, have said to myself, "Let me try to find happiness." So I tried to enjoy the pleasures of life, and I found that they were fleeting and empty.

  2. I tried to be happy by being wise and by living a good life. But I realized that these things were not making me happy.

  3. I tried to be happy by being kind and by helping those in need. But I realized that these things were not making me happy either.

  4. So I have said to myself, "It is all meaningless." What is the point of working so hard to build something that will only be destroyed? What is the point of being happy if we are all going to die?

  5. I have seen that God is the one who gives us life, and that he is the one who takes it away. So I have learned to appreciate the time and season that God has given me.