Ecclesiastes 7 good news bible

Here is Ecclesiastes 7 in the Good News Bible (GNB):

Ecclesiastes 7

1 Don't be too eager to make promises, for giving your word too quickly makes you look foolish. 2 Don't be too eager to make promises, for giving your word too quickly makes you look foolish. But don't be slow to speak, or you will be accused of being lazy. 3 Better is a dry crust of bread shared with someone else than a meal of fresh meat eaten alone. 4 Better is a bitter life with a wise and understanding heart than a long life with no sense. 5 Don't be too proud to listen to correction, for God will humble the proud and exalt the humble. 6 Because of the wisdom of the wise, the wise will be honored. 7 The wisdom of the wise is to give and not to take; the more you give, the more you will have. 8 The more you talk, the more you will sin; the more you speak, the more you will be trapped. 9 Don't be quick to speak, for speech can be a source of sin. 10 Don't be too eager to answer, or you will say something foolish. 11 Don't be too proud to listen to correction, for God will humble the proud and exalt the humble. 12 The words of the wise are like a goad, their collected sayings like a driving rod. 13 Be patient, my son, and listen to your father's wisdom, for I am giving you a wise and loving heart. 14 Don't be too proud to listen to correction, for God will humble the proud and exalt the humble. 15 Don't be too eager to answer, or you will say something foolish. 16 Don't be too proud to listen to correction, for God will humble the proud and exalt the humble. 17 Don't be too eager to answer, or you will say something foolish. 18 Wisdom is better than strength, but the advantage of knowing comes from having wisdom. 19 Wisdom is better than strength, but the advantage of knowing comes from having wisdom. 20 Wisdom is better than strength, but the advantage of knowing comes from having wisdom. 21 The more you talk, the more you will sin; the more you speak, the more you will be trapped. 22 Don't be too proud to listen to correction, for God will humble the proud and exalt the humble. 23 Listen to what I say, my son, and be wise; don't reject my advice. 24 The wise will be honored, but the foolish will be broken. 25 The more you talk, the more you will sin; the more you speak, the more you will be trapped. 26 Don't be too proud to listen to correction, for God will humble the proud and exalt the humble. 27 Don't be too eager to answer, or you will say something foolish. 28 Don't be too proud to listen to correction, for God will humble the proud and exalt the humble. 29 Don't be too eager to answer, or you will say something foolish. 30 Don't be too proud to listen to correction, for God will humble the proud and exalt the humble.