Ecb news

You're looking for news related to the European Central Bank (ECB). Here are some recent updates:

Recent ECB News

  1. Interest Rates: The ECB left its main interest rates unchanged at its latest meeting on March 10, 2023. The deposit rate remains at -0.5%, and the refinancing rate remains at 0%.
  2. Inflation: The ECB has been monitoring inflation closely, and recent data suggests that inflation in the eurozone has peaked. The ECB expects inflation to remain above its target of "close to, but below 2%" in the short term.
  3. Quantitative Easing: The ECB has been gradually unwinding its quantitative easing (QE) program, which was introduced in 2015 to stimulate the economy. The ECB has already stopped buying bonds under the QE program and has started selling some of its existing holdings.
  4. Monetary Policy: The ECB has been considering changes to its monetary policy framework, including the possibility of introducing a new inflation target or a more flexible inflation target. The ECB has also been discussing the potential for negative interest rates.
  5. Economic Outlook: The ECB has revised its economic growth forecast for the eurozone, citing a stronger-than-expected recovery. The ECB now expects the eurozone economy to grow by 1.8% in 2023, up from its previous forecast of 1.5%.

Upcoming ECB Events

  1. ECB Meeting: The next ECB meeting is scheduled for April 27, 2023. The meeting will likely focus on the latest economic data and the potential for future monetary policy changes.
  2. ECB President Lagarde: ECB President Christine Lagarde is scheduled to speak at the European Parliament on April 12, 2023. Her speech is likely to provide insight into the ECB's monetary policy stance and its views on the eurozone economy.

Recent ECB Statements

  1. ECB Statement: The ECB released a statement on March 10, 2023, following its latest meeting. The statement reiterated the ECB's commitment to its inflation target and its willingness to take further action if necessary.
  2. ECB Press Conference: ECB President Lagarde held a press conference on March 10, 2023, following the ECB's meeting. The press conference provided additional insight into the ECB's monetary policy decisions and its views on the eurozone economy.

I hope this information is helpful!