Ebira news okene

Ebira news from Okene! Here are some recent news updates from Okene, a city in Kogi State, Nigeria:

Local News

  1. Okene LG Chairman Commends Ebira Youths: The Chairman of Okene Local Government Area, Hon. Abdulraheem Ohiare, has commended Ebira youths for their peaceful conduct during the recent local government election in the area. (Source: Daily Trust)
  2. Farmers in Okene Cry Out Over Insecurity: Farmers in Okene have cried out over the increasing cases of insecurity in the area, which has led to the destruction of their crops and livestock. (Source: Vanguard)
  3. Okene Community Gets N100m Water Project: The Okene community has received a N100 million water project from the Kogi State Government, aimed at providing potable water to the residents. (Source: Leadership)

National News

  1. Kogi State Government Approves N10bn for Road Construction: The Kogi State Government has approved N10 billion for the construction of roads in the state, including the Okene-Abuja road. (Source: ThisDay)
  2. Ebira Community in Abuja Demands Recognition: The Ebira community in Abuja has demanded recognition from the Federal Government, citing their contributions to the country's development. (Source: The Nation)
  3. Kogi State Government to Establish New University: The Kogi State Government has announced plans to establish a new university in the state, with Okene being considered as one of the possible locations. (Source: Punch)

Sports News

  1. Okene-Based Football Club Wins National Championship: An Okene-based football club, Kogi United, has won the national championship in the Nigerian National League. (Source: Daily Independent)
  2. Ebira Athletes Shine at National Sports Festival: Ebira athletes have made a remarkable showing at the National Sports Festival, winning several medals in various events. (Source: The Guardian)

Please note that these news updates are subject to change and may not be up-to-date. Additionally, the accuracy of the information cannot be guaranteed.