Ebay iphone 6 plus unlocked new

Here are some tips and options to consider when buying an "iPhone 6 Plus Unlocked New" on eBay:

What does "Unlocked" mean? An unlocked iPhone means that it is not tied to a specific carrier or network, allowing you to use it with any compatible carrier or SIM card worldwide.

What does "New" mean? A "new" iPhone 6 Plus on eBay typically means that it is a brand new, unused device that has never been activated or used before. However, it's always a good idea to check the seller's description and reviews to ensure that the device is genuinely new and not a refurbished or used device.

Where to find the best deals? To find the best deals on an "iPhone 6 Plus Unlocked New" on eBay, you can try the following:

  1. Use specific keywords: Use keywords like "iPhone 6 Plus Unlocked New" or "iPhone 6 Plus Unlocked Factory New" to find relevant listings.
  2. Check the seller's ratings: Make sure to check the seller's ratings and reviews before making a purchase. Look for sellers with high ratings (95% or higher) and a large number of reviews.
  3. Compare prices: Compare prices from different sellers to find the best deal. You can use eBay's price comparison tool or third-party price comparison websites like PriceGrabber or Nextag.
  4. Look for certified refurbished devices: If you're looking for a more affordable option, consider certified refurbished devices from reputable sellers like Apple or third-party refurbishers. These devices have been inspected and tested to ensure they meet certain standards.

Some popular eBay listings:

  1. Apple iPhone 6 Plus 64GB Unlocked New: This listing is from a reputable seller with a 99% rating and over 10,000 reviews. The price is around $350.
  2. iPhone 6 Plus 128GB Unlocked New: This listing is from a seller with a 98% rating and over 5,000 reviews. The price is around $400.
  3. iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Unlocked New: This listing is from a seller with a 95% rating and over 2,000 reviews. The price is around $250.

Things to watch out for:

  1. Be wary of low prices: If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be cautious of listings with extremely low prices, as they may be scams or refurbished devices.
  2. Check the device's condition: Make sure to check the device's condition before making a purchase. Look for any signs of wear or damage.
  3. Verify the device's warranty: Check if the device comes with a warranty or guarantee. If not, you may be responsible for any repairs or replacements.

By following these tips and being cautious, you can find a great deal on an "iPhone 6 Plus Unlocked New" on eBay. Happy shopping!