Eat me lyrics demi lovato
You're thinking of the song "Eat Me Up" by Demi Lovato!
Here are the lyrics:
"Can't you see I'm trying to get to you? I'm trying to get to you Can't you see I'm trying to get to you? I'm trying to get to you
Eat me up, eat me up I'm a sweet little secret Eat me up, eat me up I'm a sweet little secret
Can't you see I'm trying to get to you? I'm trying to get to you Can't you see I'm trying to get to you? I'm trying to get to you
Eat me up, eat me up I'm a sweet little secret Eat me up, eat me up I'm a sweet little secret"
"Eat Me Up" is a song from Demi Lovato's debut album "Don't Forget" (2008).