Eastern new mexico university career employer website
Eastern New Mexico University (ENMU) has a career employer website that allows students and alumni to search for job and internship opportunities, as well as connect with employers. Here are the details:
ENMU Career Employer Website:
- Website: www.enmu.edu/career
- Login: Students and alumni can log in using their ENMU username and password.
- Job Search: Employers can search for students and alumni by major, location, and other criteria.
- Job Posting: Employers can post job and internship opportunities for ENMU students and alumni.
- Resume Database: Employers can search for resumes of ENMU students and alumni.
- Job and internship posting
- Resume database search
- Company profile creation
- Ability to schedule on-campus interviews
- Ability to post job and internship opportunities for multiple locations
- Ability to search for students and alumni by major, location, and other criteria
Benefits for Employers:
- Access to a pool of talented students and alumni
- Ability to post job and internship opportunities for multiple locations
- Ability to search for students and alumni by major, location, and other criteria
- Ability to schedule on-campus interviews
- Ability to create a company profile to showcase your organization
Benefits for Students and Alumni:
- Access to job and internship opportunities
- Ability to search for job and internship opportunities by major, location, and other criteria
- Ability to upload resume and cover letter
- Ability to apply to job and internship opportunities online
- Ability to schedule on-campus interviews
Contact Information:
- ENMU Career Services
- Phone: (505) 562-2114
- Email: [email protected]
- Address: 1500 S. Main St., Portales, NM 88130
I hope this information is helpful!