Easter edwards pii_email_80a815f4654cf7a96dad payroll manager new york new york

It looks like you're trying to find information about Easter Edwards, a Payroll Manager from New York, New York. Here's what I could find:

Name: Easter Edwards Title: Payroll Manager Location: New York, New York Email: pii_email_80a815f4654cf7a96dad

Unfortunately, I couldn't find much more information about Easter Edwards beyond this email address. If you're trying to contact her for a specific reason, you may want to try sending her an email or reaching out to her through a professional network like LinkedIn.

If you're trying to verify Easter Edwards' credentials or check her work history, you may want to try searching for her on professional networking sites like LinkedIn or checking with the New York State Department of Labor or the New York City Department of Labor to see if she is registered as a Payroll Manager in the state or city.

Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with!