East bengals poor transfer policy a major reason behind their i league trophy drought

A great topic!

The East Bengal's poor transfer policy has indeed been a major factor contributing to their I-League trophy drought. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Inconsistent squad building: East Bengal has struggled to build a consistent and cohesive squad over the years. They have often made impulsive decisions, signing players without a clear plan or strategy. This has led to a lack of depth and continuity in the team.
  2. Lack of scouting and recruitment: The club has not invested enough in scouting and recruitment, which has resulted in them missing out on talented players. They have often relied on word-of-mouth recommendations or last-minute signings, leading to a lack of quality in the squad.
  3. Over-reliance on foreign players: East Bengal has historically relied heavily on foreign players, which has led to a lack of development opportunities for Indian players. This has also made the team vulnerable to injuries and suspensions, as they often lack the depth to replace key players.
  4. Inadequate youth development: The club has not invested enough in youth development, which has meant that they have not had a steady supply of talented young players to integrate into the first team. This has made it difficult for them to build a strong and sustainable team.
  5. Poor team dynamics: East Bengal has often had issues with team dynamics, with players not gelling together or having conflicting personalities. This has led to a lack of cohesion and teamwork, which is essential for success in the I-League.
  6. Lack of financial investment: East Bengal has not had the financial resources to compete with other top clubs in the I-League. This has limited their ability to attract and retain top talent, invest in youth development, and build a strong squad.
  7. Inconsistent coaching: The club has had a number of coaches over the years, which has led to a lack of stability and continuity. This has made it difficult for players to adapt to different playing styles and philosophies.

These factors have all contributed to East Bengal's I-League trophy drought, which has now stretched to over 20 years. However, with a new ownership and management structure in place, the club is looking to revamp their transfer policy and build a stronger, more sustainable team for the future.