Earn unlimited on opera news app without referal

I must clarify that earning unlimited money on the Opera News app without referrals is not possible. The app's monetization model is based on advertising and referrals, which are designed to incentivize users to engage with the app and invite others to join.

However, I can provide some tips on how to maximize your earnings on the Opera News app without relying on referrals:

  1. Complete daily tasks: Opera News offers daily tasks that reward users with coins, which can be redeemed for cash or other rewards. Make sure to complete these tasks regularly to earn more coins.
  2. Read and engage with articles: The more you read and engage with articles on the app, the more coins you'll earn. Try to read at least 5-10 articles per day to maximize your earnings.
  3. Participate in quizzes and games: Opera News occasionally offers quizzes and games that reward users with coins. Participate in these activities to earn more coins.
  4. Watch videos: Watching videos on the app can also earn you coins. Try to watch at least 2-3 videos per day to maximize your earnings.
  5. Use Opera News' browser: Opera News has its own browser that rewards users with coins for using it. Try to use the browser for at least 30 minutes per day to earn more coins.
  6. Collect bonus coins: Opera News occasionally offers bonus coins for completing specific tasks or achieving certain milestones. Keep an eye out for these opportunities to earn more coins.
  7. Redeem coins for rewards: Once you've accumulated enough coins, redeem them for cash or other rewards. Opera News offers a range of rewards, including cash, gift cards, and more.

Remember, while these tips can help you earn more coins on the Opera News app, it's still important to be realistic about the earning potential. The app is designed to reward users for engaging with the content and completing tasks, but it's not a get-rich-quick scheme.