Earn money online for submitting your news photos

There are several ways to earn money online by submitting your news photos:

  1. Getty Images: Getty Images is one of the largest stock photo agencies in the world. You can submit your news photos to Getty Images and earn royalties every time someone licenses your photos.
  2. iStock: iStock is a popular stock photo website that allows you to sell your photos, including news photos. You can upload your photos and set your own prices.
  3. Alamy: Alamy is a stock photo agency that accepts news photos. You can submit your photos and earn royalties every time someone licenses them.
  4. News agencies: Many news agencies, such as AP, Reuters, and AFP, accept freelance photos from independent photographers. You can submit your photos to these agencies and earn money for each photo that is used.
  5. Online marketplaces: There are several online marketplaces, such as 500px, Flickr, and Shutterstock, where you can sell your photos, including news photos.
  6. Your own website: You can also sell your news photos directly to clients through your own website. You can use e-commerce plugins like WooCommerce or Shopify to create an online store.

To increase your chances of selling your news photos online, make sure to:

Some popular platforms for selling news photos online include:

Remember to always read and understand the terms and conditions of each platform before submitting your photos.