E news season 19 episode 182

A fan of E! News, I see!

According to my knowledge, E! News Season 19 Episode 182 is a TV episode that aired on November 18, 2021. Here's a brief summary:

Episode Title: "November 18, 2021"

Synopsis: The latest celebrity news, gossip, and scandals are discussed on this episode of E! News. The hosts cover the latest developments in the world of entertainment, including the latest celebrity breakups, new romances, and more.

Guests: Unfortunately, I couldn't find any information on specific guests who appeared on this episode. If you're looking for a specific segment or topic, feel free to let me know and I'll do my best to help!

Where to watch: You can stream E! News Season 19 Episode 182 on various platforms, including the E! News website, Hulu, Peacock, and more.