E news online instagram

Here are some popular E! News online and Instagram accounts:

E! News Online:

  1. E! News Official Website: www.eonline.com
  2. E! News YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/enews
  3. E! News Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/enews
  4. E! News Twitter Account: twitter.com/enews

E! News Instagram Accounts:

  1. E! News Official Instagram Account: www.instagram.com/enews (1.4M followers)
  2. E! News Entertainment News Instagram Account: www.instagram.com/enewsentertainment (1.2M followers)
  3. E! News Celebrity News Instagram Account: www.instagram.com/enewscelebrity (1.1M followers)
  4. E! News Pop Culture Instagram Account: www.instagram.com/enewspopculture (900k followers)

These accounts provide the latest celebrity news, gossip, and entertainment updates, as well as behind-the-scenes looks at E! News' popular shows and events.