E news online hosts

Here are some popular e-news online hosts:

  1. WordPress: One of the most popular and widely used e-newsletter platforms, WordPress offers a range of customizable templates and plugins to help you create and manage your newsletter.
  2. Mailchimp: A popular email marketing platform that offers a range of features, including customizable templates, automation, and analytics.
  3. Constant Contact: A well-established email marketing platform that offers a range of features, including customizable templates, automation, and analytics.
  4. Campaign Monitor: A professional-grade email marketing platform that offers advanced features, including automation, personalization, and analytics.
  5. GetResponse: An all-in-one marketing platform that offers email marketing, automation, and analytics, as well as other features like webinars and landing pages.
  6. ActiveCampaign: A marketing automation platform that offers email marketing, automation, and analytics, as well as other features like CRM and sales automation.
  7. ConvertKit: A popular email marketing platform specifically designed for bloggers and online creators, offering features like automation, segmentation, and analytics.
  8. AWeber: A well-established email marketing platform that offers customizable templates, automation, and analytics, as well as other features like autoresponders and sign-up forms.
  9. Sendinblue: A popular email marketing platform that offers customizable templates, automation, and analytics, as well as other features like SMS marketing and CRM.
  10. HubSpot: A comprehensive marketing, sales, and customer service platform that offers email marketing, automation, and analytics, as well as other features like CRM and sales automation.

These are just a few examples of popular e-news online hosts. The best platform for you will depend on your specific needs and goals, so it's a good idea to research and compare features before making a decision.