E commerce news

Here are some recent e-commerce news and trends:

1. Online Shopping Surpasses In-Store Shopping

According to a report by the National Retail Federation, online shopping has surpassed in-store shopping in the United States, with 63% of consumers preferring to shop online. (Source: National Retail Federation)

2. Amazon's Dominance

Amazon continues to dominate the e-commerce landscape, with its market share reaching 38.4% in the United States. The company's acquisition of Whole Foods Market has also expanded its presence in the grocery market. (Source: Statista)

3. Social Commerce on the Rise

Social media platforms are becoming increasingly important for e-commerce, with 71% of online shoppers saying they are more likely to make a purchase from a brand that has a social media presence. (Source: GlobalWebIndex)

4. Mobile Commerce Growth

Mobile commerce is growing rapidly, with 72% of online shoppers using their mobile devices to make purchases. (Source: Statista)

5. Voice Commerce

Voice commerce is becoming increasingly popular, with 40% of online shoppers using voice assistants like Alexa or Google Assistant to make purchases. (Source: Adobe)

6. Sustainability in E-commerce

Consumers are increasingly prioritizing sustainability in their online shopping habits, with 75% of online shoppers saying they are more likely to shop from a brand that prioritizes sustainability. (Source: Nielsen)

7. E-commerce in Emerging Markets

E-commerce is growing rapidly in emerging markets, with countries like China, India, and Brazil experiencing significant growth in online shopping. (Source: Euromonitor)

8. Artificial Intelligence in E-commerce

Artificial intelligence (AI) is being increasingly used in e-commerce to improve customer experience, personalize recommendations, and optimize supply chain management. (Source: McKinsey)

9. Cybersecurity Concerns

Cybersecurity remains a major concern for e-commerce businesses, with 60% of online shoppers saying they are concerned about the security of their personal data when shopping online. (Source: IBM)

10. E-commerce Trends for 2023

Some of the top e-commerce trends for 2023 include:

These are just a few of the latest e-commerce news and trends. If you're interested in staying up-to-date on the latest developments in the e-commerce industry, I recommend following reputable sources like Retail Dive, Ecommerce News, and Internet Retailer.