Dynamics 365 new interface

The new interface of Dynamics 365!

In October 2020, Microsoft rolled out a major update to the Dynamics 365 interface, introducing a new, modern design that aims to improve user experience, productivity, and accessibility. Here are some key features and changes you can expect:

New Navigation

  1. Unified Navigation: A single navigation pane replaces the previous multiple navigation bars, providing a more streamlined and consistent experience across all modules.
  2. Quick Access: A new "Quick Access" section allows you to quickly access frequently used entities, views, and actions.

Entity Forms

  1. Modernized Entity Forms: Entity forms now have a more modern, responsive design, with improved layout and typography.
  2. Drag-and-Drop Fields: You can now drag and drop fields to reorder them, making it easier to customize your form layout.


  1. New View Types: Dynamics 365 introduces new view types, such as "List" and "Grid" views, which provide more flexibility and customization options.
  2. Customizable Views: You can now customize views by adding or removing columns, filtering, and grouping data.


  1. Improved Search: The new search bar is more prominent and provides more advanced search capabilities, including filtering and sorting options.

Other Changes

  1. Dark Mode: Dynamics 365 now supports a dark mode theme, which can be enabled in the settings.
  2. Accessibility Improvements: The new interface includes several accessibility improvements, such as improved keyboard navigation and screen reader support.
  3. Customization Options: The new interface provides more customization options, including the ability to add custom buttons, tabs, and sections to entity forms.

Tips and Tricks

  1. Get Familiar with the New Navigation: Take some time to explore the new navigation pane and get comfortable with the new layout.
  2. Customize Your Views: Experiment with customizing your views to find the layout and columns that work best for your needs.
  3. Use the Quick Access Section: Take advantage of the Quick Access section to quickly access frequently used entities, views, and actions.

Overall, the new Dynamics 365 interface aims to provide a more modern, intuitive, and accessible experience for users. While it may take some time to get used to the changes, the new interface offers many benefits and improvements that can help you work more efficiently and effectively.