Dynamic memory allocation in c++ using new and delete

Dynamic memory allocation in C++ is the process of allocating memory at runtime, rather than at compile time. This is done using the new and delete operators.

new Operator

The new operator is used to dynamically allocate memory for an object or an array. It returns a pointer to the allocated memory.

Syntax: void* new type()


int* p = new int; // allocate memory for an integer

In this example, p is a pointer to an integer, and new int allocates memory for an integer.

delete Operator

The delete operator is used to deallocate memory that was previously allocated using new. It takes a pointer to the memory to be deallocated as an argument.

Syntax: void delete type*


delete p; // deallocate memory for the integer

In this example, delete p deallocates the memory that was allocated for the integer using new int.

Example Program

Here is a simple example program that demonstrates dynamic memory allocation using new and delete:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    int* p = new int; // allocate memory for an integer
    *p = 10; // assign a value to the integer
    std::cout << "*p = " << *p << std::endl; // print the value of the integer

    delete p; // deallocate memory for the integer

    return 0;

Best Practices

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when using new and delete:

  1. Use smart pointers: Instead of using raw pointers and new/delete, consider using smart pointers like unique_ptr or shared_ptr to manage memory.
  2. Use containers: Instead of allocating memory manually, consider using containers like std::vector or std::list to manage memory.
  3. Avoid raw pointers: Try to avoid using raw pointers and new/delete as much as possible, as they can lead to memory leaks and other issues.
  4. Use delete[] for arrays: When deallocating memory for an array, use delete[] instead of delete.
  5. Check for null: Always check if a pointer is null before deleting it, to avoid crashes or undefined behavior.

Common Pitfalls

Here are some common pitfalls to avoid when using new and delete:

  1. Memory leaks: Failing to deallocate memory can lead to memory leaks, which can cause your program to consume more and more memory over time.
  2. Double deletion: Deleting the same memory twice can cause undefined behavior or crashes.
  3. Null pointer deletion: Deleting a null pointer can cause undefined behavior or crashes.
  4. Incorrect deallocation: Failing to deallocate memory correctly can lead to memory leaks or other issues.

By following best practices and avoiding common pitfalls, you can use new and delete effectively and safely in your C++ programs.