Dxb to new york

You're planning a trip from Dubai (DXB) to New York!

Here are some general information and options to consider:

Flight Options:

  1. Direct Flights: Unfortunately, there are no direct flights from Dubai to New York. However, you can consider flying with Emirates, which operates multiple daily flights from DXB to John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) with a layover in Europe or the Middle East.
  2. One-Stop Flights: You can also consider flying with other airlines that offer one-stop flights from DXB to JFK, such as:
    • Lufthansa (with a layover in Frankfurt or Munich)
    • Turkish Airlines (with a layover in Istanbul)
    • Qatar Airways (with a layover in Doha)
    • Etihad Airways (with a layover in Abu Dhabi)

Flight Duration:

Best Time to Book:

Tips and Tricks:

I hope this information helps you plan your trip from DXB to New York!