Dw news languages

DW (Deutsche Welle) is a German public service broadcaster that provides news and information in multiple languages. Here are some of the languages in which DW offers news and programming:

  1. German: DW's flagship language, with a wide range of news, current affairs, and cultural programming.
  2. English: DW's English-language service, DW News, offers a daily news program, as well as in-depth reporting and analysis on global issues.
  3. Spanish: DW's Spanish-language service, DW Español, provides news, current affairs, and cultural programming for Spanish-speaking audiences.
  4. Arabic: DW's Arabic-language service, DW Arabic, offers news, current affairs, and cultural programming for Arabic-speaking audiences.
  5. French: DW's French-language service, DW Français, provides news, current affairs, and cultural programming for French-speaking audiences.
  6. Portuguese: DW's Portuguese-language service, DW Português, offers news, current affairs, and cultural programming for Portuguese-speaking audiences.
  7. Russian: DW's Russian-language service, DW на русском, provides news, current affairs, and cultural programming for Russian-speaking audiences.
  8. Chinese: DW's Chinese-language service, DW中文, offers news, current affairs, and cultural programming for Chinese-speaking audiences.
  9. Japanese: DW's Japanese-language service, DW日本語, provides news, current affairs, and cultural programming for Japanese-speaking audiences.
  10. Turkish: DW's Turkish-language service, DW Türkçe, offers news, current affairs, and cultural programming for Turkish-speaking audiences.
  11. Polish: DW's Polish-language service, DW Polski, provides news, current affairs, and cultural programming for Polish-speaking audiences.
  12. Hungarian: DW's Hungarian-language service, DW Magyar, offers news, current affairs, and cultural programming for Hungarian-speaking audiences.
  13. Czech: DW's Czech-language service, DW Čeština, provides news, current affairs, and cultural programming for Czech-speaking audiences.
  14. Greek: DW's Greek-language service, DW Ελληνικά, offers news, current affairs, and cultural programming for Greek-speaking audiences.
  15. Italian: DW's Italian-language service, DW Italiano, provides news, current affairs, and cultural programming for Italian-speaking audiences.

These are just some of the languages in which DW offers news and programming. The broadcaster also provides news and information in other languages, including Indonesian, Thai, and Vietnamese, among others.