Dw news female anchors

Here are some popular female anchors from DW (Deutsche Welle) news:

  1. Anja Rubik - Anchor of the DW News program "DW News" and "DW News Europe"
  2. Lisa Louis - Anchor of the DW News program "DW News" and "DW News Europe"
  3. Lisa Barron - Anchor of the DW News program "DW News" and "DW News Europe"
  4. Maren Schröder - Anchor of the DW News program "DW News" and "DW News Europe"
  5. Judith Roder - Anchor of the DW News program "DW News" and "DW News Europe"
  6. Sandra Petersmann - Anchor of the DW News program "DW News" and "DW News Europe"
  7. Katja Praznik - Anchor of the DW News program "DW News" and "DW News Europe"
  8. Julia Hahn - Anchor of the DW News program "DW News" and "DW News Europe"
  9. Christina Flesher - Anchor of the DW News program "DW News" and "DW News Europe"
  10. Anne-Sophie Brändlin - Anchor of the DW News program "DW News" and "DW News Europe"

Please note that the list of anchors may change over time, and this information may not be up-to-date.