Dw news arabic

DW News Arabic (النواس DW العربية) is the Arabic-language news channel of Deutsche Welle (DW), a German public broadcaster. Here are some key facts about DW News Arabic:

Launch: DW News Arabic was launched in 2011 as part of DW's expansion into the Middle East and North Africa.

Target audience: The channel targets Arabic-speaking audiences in the Middle East, North Africa, and the Arab diaspora worldwide.

Programming: DW News Arabic offers a range of news programs, including:

  1. News bulletins: Hourly news updates, including breaking news, analysis, and feature stories.
  2. In-depth reports: Investigative reports on topics such as politics, economy, culture, and society.
  3. Talk shows: Debates and discussions on current issues, featuring experts and guests from the region.
  4. Documentaries: In-depth documentaries on topics such as history, culture, and social issues.

Language: The channel broadcasts in Arabic, with some programs also available in English and German.

Availability: DW News Arabic is available via satellite, cable, and online streaming platforms, including:

  1. Satellite: Nilesat, Arabsat, and Hotbird.
  2. Cable: Major cable operators in the Middle East and North Africa.
  3. Online: DW's website, YouTube, and other online platforms.

Social media: DW News Arabic is active on social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, to engage with audiences and share news updates.

Partnerships: DW News Arabic collaborates with other Arabic-language media outlets and organizations to produce content and share expertise.

Awards: DW News Arabic has won several awards for its journalism, including the prestigious Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Award for War Correspondents.

Overall, DW News Arabic provides a unique perspective on global news and current events, with a focus on the Middle East and North Africa.