Dunmais new church dedication

I think you meant "Dunmanus"!

Dunmanus Church, located in County Cork, Ireland, has a rich history and has undergone several renovations and restorations over the centuries. Here's some information about the church's dedication:

Dunmanus Church is dedicated to St. Dunmanus, a 7th-century Irish saint who was born in the area. According to tradition, St. Dunmanus was a member of the royal family of Munster and was known for his piety and charity. He founded several churches and monasteries throughout the region, including the one at Dunmanus.

The current church building dates back to the 13th century, although there is evidence of earlier structures on the site. The church has undergone several restorations and renovations over the centuries, including a major restoration in the 19th century.

The church is a beautiful example of Gothic architecture, with a striking tower and a nave with a vaulted ceiling. The interior features several interesting features, including a medieval stone font, a 17th-century altar, and a number of ancient tombstones.

Dunmanus Church is still an active place of worship today, and it is also a popular tourist destination due to its historical significance and architectural beauty.