Dunamis intl gospel centre new auditorium dummy

I think you meant to say "Dunamis International Gospel Centre New Auditorium Design"!

The Dunamis International Gospel Centre is a prominent church in Abuja, Nigeria, led by Pastor Paul Enenche. The church has a new auditorium that was recently completed, and I'd be happy to provide some information about it.

Design and Features:

The new auditorium is a state-of-the-art facility designed to accommodate a large number of worshippers. The design is modern, sleek, and elegant, with a focus on creating an immersive worship experience. Some of the key features of the auditorium include:

  1. Seating capacity: The auditorium has a seating capacity of over 10,000 worshippers, making it one of the largest in Nigeria.
  2. Acoustics: The auditorium is designed with advanced acoustics to ensure that the sound quality is exceptional, allowing worshippers to fully engage with the music and preaching.
  3. Lighting: The auditorium features a sophisticated lighting system that can be adjusted to create different moods and ambiances, enhancing the overall worship experience.
  4. Stage design: The stage is designed to be flexible, allowing for various configurations to accommodate different types of services, concerts, and events.
  5. Audio-visual equipment: The auditorium is equipped with the latest audio-visual equipment, including high-definition screens, projectors, and sound systems.


The auditorium's architecture is designed to be functional, yet aesthetically pleasing. The building's exterior features a modern design with a glass façade, while the interior is designed to be open and spacious, with a focus on creating a sense of community among worshippers.


The new auditorium has had a significant impact on the church and the community. It has enabled the church to host larger events and services, and has provided a platform for the church's outreach and evangelism efforts. The auditorium has also become a hub for various community activities, including concerts, conferences, and seminars.

Overall, the Dunamis International Gospel Centre's new auditorium is a testament to the church's commitment to providing a world-class worship experience for its members and the wider community.