Dubai news 2018

Here are some of the top news stories from Dubai in 2018:

Economy and Business

  1. Dubai's economy grows 2.4% in 2018: The Dubai Economy and Tourism (DET) announced that the emirate's economy grew by 2.4% in 2018, driven by a strong performance in the tourism and real estate sectors. (Source: Gulf News)
  2. Dubai's non-oil trade reaches AED 1.3 trillion: The Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry reported that the emirate's non-oil trade reached AED 1.3 trillion (USD 354 billion) in 2018, a 10% increase from the previous year. (Source: Khaleej Times)
  3. Dubai's real estate market shows signs of recovery: The Dubai real estate market showed signs of recovery in 2018, with property prices and sales volumes increasing in the second half of the year. (Source: Arabian Business)

Infrastructure and Transportation

  1. Dubai's metro network expands: The Dubai Metro network expanded in 2018, with the opening of new lines and stations, including the Route 2020 extension. (Source: The National)
  2. Dubai's Al Maktoum International Airport opens: The Al Maktoum International Airport, also known as Dubai World Central, opened in 2018, with the first commercial flights taking off in June. (Source: Gulf News)
  3. Dubai's water canal opens: The Dubai Water Canal, a 3.2-kilometer-long waterway, opened in 2018, providing a new route for boats and water taxis. (Source: Khaleej Times)

Tourism and Entertainment

  1. Dubai Tourism sets new record: Dubai Tourism reported a record 15.93 million visitors in 2018, a 12% increase from the previous year. (Source: Gulf News)
  2. Dubai Mall's expansion opens: The Dubai Mall's expansion, which added new attractions and entertainment options, opened in 2018. (Source: Arabian Business)
  3. Dubai's Museum of the Future opens: The Museum of the Future, a new cultural institution, opened in 2018, showcasing innovative technologies and ideas. (Source: The National)

Other News

  1. Dubai's 2020 Expo bid: Dubai won the bid to host the 2020 World Expo, with the event expected to attract millions of visitors. (Source: Gulf News)
  2. Dubai's 50-year plan: The Dubai government announced a 50-year plan to transform the emirate into a sustainable and innovative city. (Source: Khaleej Times)
  3. Dubai's anti-smoking law: Dubai introduced a new anti-smoking law in 2018, banning smoking in public places and increasing fines for violators. (Source: The National)

These are just a few of the top news stories from Dubai in 2018. The emirate continues to be a hub for business, tourism, and innovation, with many exciting developments and projects underway.